Wyndforge releases new WoW character artPosted Mar 17th 2008 6:00PM by
Mike SchrammFiled under:
Fan stuff,
Virtual selves,
If you're a fan of fan art and haven't seen Wyndforge's work yet, it's definitely a must-see. He basically creates digital art direct from screenshots, and by combining poses (along with a few extra sparkles), he turns out some pretty amazing stuff. And while he does sell custom orders if you want a shot of your own character, Wynd gets bonus points for opening up all his other work as wallpaper-sized versions in the galleries. He doesn't list prices on the site, so we're not sure how much it costs
to make one of these, but even if its pricy, it's fun just browsing through the galleries. Very nice stuff. He really has a talent for sculpting the screenshots together, and keeping the original look of the characters while also adding a little extra to make them epic enough to be framed and hung on the wall.